Here is the cutest fall craft and learning activity for your kids! This is a fun way for kids to practice the alphabet.

UH Mind & Body
Member Newsletter, September 2023
Umpqua Health Alliance wants to ensure that we are creating a customer service focused organization committed to making a difference in the lives of our members. One way to achieve this goal is to collect data through a Call Satisfaction survey. After a call to our Customer Care department, you will be asked to take a short survey. Please take a few minutes to fill this out as we will use this information to help us improve the quality of call service we provide. Our goal is to provide the best customer service possible. Your experience is key, and we want to exceed your expectations.
There are no limits to the amount, duration, and scope of this benefit. They are available for members ages 0-20 years old with no referral or preapproval required.
Is your child turning 2?
Did you know that UHA covers preventative shots at no cost to you? Call your child’s primary care doctor for more information!
This benefit is available for members who are under the age of 21: In cases such as cleft lip and palate, handicapping malocclusion, or when speech, chewing and other functions are affected. However, it is required to have approval from your dentist and to not have any cavities or gum disease. This benefit is for members with dental coverage through UHA, but preapproval is needed. The benefit plan types that fall within this category are CCOA, CCOG, and CCOF.
Back to school Readiness:
Get your child ready for kindergarten with their next dental visit. These services are available at no cost to you:
Has your child had their well child check?
Well Child Checks (WCC) aren’t just to get your child up to date on their shots. They also help monitor your child’s growth and development. You can also talk with their doctor about any eating or sleeping habits that you’re worried about.
To schedule your child’s WCC, please contact their Primary Care Provider.
Vaccines for Children
Vaccines for children are now available at select local, independent pharmacies through the VFC (Vaccines for Children) benefit. Currently participating pharmacies include Gordon’s Pharmacy and Gifts and Myrtle Drugs. Please contact your pharmacist with questions. VFC is a special program that provides FREE vaccines for eligible children, including those on Medicaid. It ensures your child is protected against serious diseases! These vaccines protect against diseases like measles, mumps, rubella, and many others.
Collaborative Problem Solving for Oregon parents and caregivers is proven to reduce challenging behavior, teach kids the skills they lack, and build relationships with the adults in their lives.
Classes are 8-Weeks long and offered at no charge to Oregon residents
Chelsea Holcomb and System of Care Policy Strategist Hilary Harrison will hold two community conversations in September.
These are opportunities for providers, community members, youth and family to engage with OHA and have conversations around topics. This month these will focus on the continuum of care: What’s new, where are the concerns and what’s next?
Join the September 21 ZoomGov meeting
This group is providing feedback for the development of the next version of the children’s behavioral health strategy, or Roadmap. These meetings are being held the second Thursday of each month from 4 to 5 p.m. on Zoom.
The next meeting is set for September 14.
If you are a part of a family group in the community then we would welcome your engagement in this work. In the development of the next version of the Roadmap, it is especially important to ensure that we hear and center the voices of those who have been historically marginalized and those experiencing developmental disability.
We are happy to come listen to your group’s insights on system needs for both mental health and substance use disorder for young people, from infancy through age 25, or to facilitate a guided conversation.
Help us improve Oregon’s child and family behavioral health system by telling us about your experiences
Weekly drop-in hour for parents and family members
The call is hosted by the CFBH Director Chelsea Holcomb and the System of Care Policy Strategist, Hilary Harrison, who is also a family member. A representative from the Reach Out Oregon Parent Warmline attends and is available to follow up with specific immediate concerns.
Please contact if you have questions or need interpretation services.
Reach Out Oregon, funded by OHA as part of Oregon Family Support Network, has a warm line at 833-732-2467, a website, a chat room for any family member needing support and a weekly virtual support group.
Family Exchange – Peer Networking for Family Leaders who Foster and Support Family Engagement
Aug 30 • Oct 25 • Jan 31 • Feb 28 • Mar 27 • Apr 24 • May 29 • Jun 26 • Jul 31
Are you a family leader with lived experience as a primary caregiver of a child, youth or young adult with mental health or substance use need who is working in a role that fosters and supports family engagement in agency practice and policy decisions? Are you interested in connecting with other family leaders working in similar roles to expand and enhance your skills and knowledge? Whether you are new to your role or you have been in the family movement for many years, the Family Exchange is a peer networking group to share experiences, innovative and effective practices, skills and knowledge, solution to barriers and challenges, and key information supporting your role as family leaders.
The group will be facilitated by experienced family leaders from the Family-Run Executive Director Leadership Association (FREDLA) who will foster peer connections, access to resources and technical assistance, and support family leaders to further family engagement within their agency, community or state. The group will meet monthly at 12:00 pm PST / 3:00 pm ET on the last Wednesday of every month.
Register Here
As an Umpqua Health Alliance (UHA) member, you have access to Foodsmart at no cost to you. Foodsmart gives you an easy-to-use platform that helps you manage every part of your diet. Foodsmart gives you access to a Registered Dietitian, custom meal plans, online grocery ordering, and more! All of this is available on your mobile device!
Getting the right nutrients while you are pregnant is very important for you and your baby’s health. A dietician can help you make sure you are getting all the right nutrients both during pregnancy and after you have your baby.
Download the Foodsmart app on the App Store
Call Foodsmart Customer Care at: 888-837-5325
Recently, an Umpqua Health employee was exiting the YMCA and overheard a UHA member’s phone conversation while she sat outside waiting for her ride. Based on what the employee heard, she knew that the woman was speaking with her NEMT driver. The employee stopped and introduced herself to the woman and provided her with additional information regarding the NEMT services.
The member then went on to share how grateful she was for UHA and the services we provide her. She is grateful for the rides she is eligible for because she cannot drive herself and she lives outside of Roseburg proper.
As the conversation went on, the member shared that she believed UHA saved her life and for that, she will be forever grateful. She’s in her mid-50s, and UHA has been paying for her gym membership for the last four years. When she started going to the gym, she was 255 pounds and wearing a size 5x shirt. She was also on diabetes medication. She couldn’t walk more than 20 yards without being winded and in pain. She was depressed and uninspired about life.
The member started going to the gym six days a week. She participated in exercise classes and used weight equipment. She proudly shared that she can now walk a long distance. She can walk from the YMCA to local stores to run other errands before returning to the Y to meet her ride home. This is all AFTER her workout, of course! She is off her insulin medication completely, and her mental health is more positive, and she is sleeping better. She is down to 170 pounds and wears a size large. Working with her doctor, she plans to lose more weight but is very happy with her results so far.
We love hearing the positive impacts that our programs have on member’s lives. If you would like to share your story, please email
For more information about Self-Care September, go to
Click below for more info on events near you!
The Roseburg Blocktober Fest is a one-day event created to experience much of what Roseburg has to offer in art, music, makers, food, drink, and family fun! Blocktober Fest takes place on Saturday, October 7, 2023. This event is free to attend, and all ages are welcome.
Stay tuned to our Facebook and Instagram feeds for more information or visit our website @
UHA is excited to host a booth again this year at Zoobilee!
Zoobilee is a family-friendly Halloween event at Wildlife Safari that features trick-or-treating, games, animal encounters, and a spotlight tour of the Asia exhibit.
This is a great opportunity for kids of all ages to dress up in their Halloween costumes and have a fun and safe time. With a variety of local businesses participating, there is sure to be something for everyone to enjoy. And, with the animals getting into the Halloween spirit, you’re sure to see some amazing sights.
Here are some of the things you can expect at Zoobilee:
Tickets are on sale now! Don’t miss out on this fun and festive event.
Here is the cutest fall craft and learning activity for your kids! This is a fun way for kids to practice the alphabet.
For more info, go to:
Draw a few rows of pumpkins on a vine on a piece of cardstock paper.
All members have a right to know about Umpqua Health Alliance’s programs and services.
Members or potential members who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English are called Limited English Proficient or LEP. Anyone who is LEP may be entitled to language assistance for healthcare services/encounters or benefits.
We provide the following at no cost to you:
If you need help or have questions, please call Customer Care at 541-229-4842, Toll-Free 866-672-1551, or TTY 711.
Todos los miembros tienen derecho a conocer los programas y servicios de Umpqua Health Alliance.
Los miembros o miembros potenciales que no hablan inglés como idioma principal y que tienen una capacidad limitada para leer, hablar, escribir o entender inglés se denominan dominio limitado del inglés o LEP. Cualquier persona que sea LEP puede tener derecho a asistencia lingüística para servicios de salud, encuentros o beneficios.
Proporcionamos lo siguiente sin costo alguno para usted:
Si necesita ayuda o tiene preguntas, llame al servicio de atención al cliente al 541-229-4842, al número gratuito 866-672-1551 o al TTY 711.