Here is the cutest fall craft for your kids!

- Large Paper Plate
- Orange Tissue Paper
- Brown Cardstock
- Glue
- Scissors
- Stapler
- 2 Cotton Balls
UH Mind & Body
Member Newsletter, December 2023
Please see below for a list of upcoming office closures due to the holiday season.
As your Health Plan, Umpqua Health Alliance (UHA) is committed to ensuring that you as a UHA Member get the information you need to get healthy and stay healthy. To help with this, we would like to ask that if you have recently changed your address, please be sure to update this information with us so we can make sure you receive any information we send to you.
You will be receiving a packet of information in the mail soon. In this packet you will find information on how to access our Member Handbook, Provider Directory, and our Non-emergent Medical Transport (NEMT) vendor, along with other valuable information such as our Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP). We encourage you to keep an eye out for this mailing.
If you have any questions about this packet or your physical, dental, or mental health care benefits, please call UHA Customer Care at 541-229-4842, Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM or email us at
Starting in January 2024, UHA members with diabetes can get certain blood sugar supplies at in-network pharmacies. If you currently use a contracted diabetic supply company for these devices, you may continue to use them if you chose.
Here is what you need to know to get these benefits:
Glucose (Blood Sugar) Meter and Strips
There are limits on how much you can get depending on if you use insulin or not. These limits are listed below.
Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs):
All CGM’s require pre-approval. Before you can get one, you must have the below needs:
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression. SAD is caused by changes in seasons. It starts in the fall and winter months when there is less sun and shorter days and tends to gets better in the spring and summer months.
Some of the things people with SAD can feel are:
Tell your doctor if you think you or someone you love might have SAD. Young people are more likely to have SAD and might not know it, so you can help them by knowing the signs!
The crisis line in Douglas County is 1-800-866-9780. You can also text to the crisis line at 988.
As an Umpqua Health Alliance (UHA) member, you have access to Foodsmart at no cost to you. Foodsmart gives you an easy-to-use platform that helps you manage every part of your diet, no matter your dietary goals may be. Foodsmart gives you free access to a Registered Dietitian, custom meal plans, online grocery ordering, and more! All of this is available on your mobile device!
UHA Members who complete a meeting with their Registered Dietician are eligible to receive a $25 Grocery Gift Card. This holiday season, your name may be drawn to win a Holiday Turkey!
At Umpqua Health Alliance and Foodsmart, we know the importance of good nutrition for the health of mom and baby. That’s why we’re offering free food boxes delivered directly to you for the duration of your pregnancy.
Speak to a dietician about this special offer! They can also help make sure you are getting all the right nutrients both during pregnancy and after you have your baby.
Download the Foodsmart app on the App Store
Call Foodsmart Customer Care at: 888-837-5325
The NEMT program covers travel reimbursement for members (and a qualified attendant) costs using personal transportation for mileage, meals, and lodging in order to access OHP-covered health care services. Reimbursement rates for eligible NEMT related expenses have increased as of November 1, 2023. The new rates are: Mileage: $.44/mile, Daily meal: $27 per person, Lodging: $98 per day.
Recently, an Umpqua Health employee was exiting the YMCA and overheard a UHA member’s phone conversation while she sat outside waiting for her ride. Based on what the employee heard, she knew that the woman was speaking with her NEMT driver. The employee stopped and introduced herself to the woman and provided her with additional information regarding the NEMT services.
The member then went on to share how grateful she was for UHA and the services we provide her. She is grateful for the rides she is eligible for because she cannot drive herself and she lives outside of Roseburg proper.
As the conversation went on, the member shared that she believed UHA saved her life and for that, she will be forever grateful. She’s in her mid-50s, and UHA has been paying for her gym membership for the last four years. When she started going to the gym, she was 255 pounds and wearing a size 5x shirt. She was also on diabetes medication. She couldn’t walk more than 20 yards without being winded and in pain. She was depressed and uninspired about life.
The member started going to the gym six days a week. She participated in exercise classes and used weight equipment. She proudly shared that she can now walk a long distance. She can walk from the YMCA to local stores to run other errands before returning to the Y to meet her ride home. This is all AFTER her workout, of course! She is off her insulin medication completely, and her mental health is more positive, and she is sleeping better. She is down to 170 pounds and wears a size large. Working with her doctor, she plans to lose more weight but is very happy with her results so far.
We love hearing the positive impacts that our programs have on member’s lives. If you would like to share your story, please email
For more information about Action for Happiness, go to
Click below for more info on events near you!
In an effort to keep our community comfortable and warm as the cold weather approaches, UH and our Mobile Outreach Team will be hosting a Comfort Drive.
Please join us in providing NEW & PACKAGED items of the following list for ALL GENDERS AGES 15+:
• Socks
• Underwear
• Bras
• Undershirts
• Camisoles
• Long Underwear
• Blankets
• Hand Warmers
• Hats
• Gloves
• Coats
If you would like to, you can place any donated items in the drop box found:
• In the front lobby of Umpqua Health Newton Creek Clinic: 3031 NE Stephens St., Roseburg, OR 97470
• DC Co-op: 3171 NE Stephens St., Roseburg, OR 97470
Keep an eye on the Umpqua Health Facebook page ( for more info!
If you need resources or assistance, please reach out to UHA Customer Care at 541-229-4842.
We are a proud sponsor of the Umpqua Valley Festival of Lights! Come see more than 90 Displays Including Animated Characters from Disney’s Frozen The World’s Largest Nutcracker and Animated Cheetahs from Wildlife Safari!
Price is $10 per car. For more info go to:
Here is the cutest fall craft for your kids!
For more information:
All members have a right to know about Umpqua Health Alliance’s programs and services.
Members or potential members who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English are called Limited English Proficient or LEP. Anyone who is LEP may be entitled to language assistance for healthcare services/encounters or benefits.
We provide the following at no cost to you:
If you need help or have questions, please call Customer Care at 541-229-4842, Toll-Free 866-672-1551, or TTY 711.
Todos los miembros tienen derecho a conocer los programas y servicios de Umpqua Health Alliance.
Los miembros o miembros potenciales que no hablan inglés como idioma principal y que tienen una capacidad limitada para leer, hablar, escribir o entender inglés se denominan dominio limitado del inglés o LEP. Cualquier persona que sea LEP puede tener derecho a asistencia lingüística para servicios de salud, encuentros o beneficios.
Proporcionamos lo siguiente sin costo alguno para usted:
Si necesita ayuda o tiene preguntas, llame al servicio de atención al cliente al 541-229-4842, al número gratuito 866-672-1551 o al TTY 711.