Health Related Social Needs (HRSN) Benefits
What are Health Related Social Needs Benefits?
Starting in 2024, certain OHP members may be eligible for extra non-medical services and supports. These services help address barriers to health that may affect well-being, including:
- Climate supports
- Includes air conditioners, heaters, air-filtration devices, mini-refrigerators, and portable power supply units.
- Housing supports
- Includes help with the cost of rent, utilities, and other bills, help finding a place to live, and help with changes to make peoples’ homes safer and more accessible.
- Nutrition supports
- Includes nutrition education and medically tailored meals. More nutrition benefits coming later in 2025 and 2026.
Who is Eligible for HRSN Services?
To qualify for HRSN benefits, you must be a current Oregon Health Plan (OHP) member and meet the requirements for the specific service you’re requesting.
For Climate, you must be in one or more of the following groups:
- An adult or youth discharged within the past year from mental health or substance use disorder Institution of Mental Disease.
- An adult or youth released within the past year from incarceration.
- Involved in the child welfare system at some point in your life.
- Within the next three (3) months or past nine (9) months, you are transitioning from Medicaid-only to dual coverage (receiving both Medicaid and Medicare).
- Houseless or at risk of becoming houseless.
- A young adult, aged 19-26, with Special Healthcare Needs (eligible starting in 2025).
You must also:
- Have a health condition that makes climate events challenging or dangerous.
- Live in a place with electricity.
- Be able to use the device safely.
Available starting November 1st, 2024.
For support with rent and utilities, you must:
- Be currently housed with a written agreement or lease signed by you and your landlord.
- Be at risk of becoming houseless and need support to maintain your current housing.
For changes to your home to ensure it meets your health needs (such as adding a ramp or grip bars), or for services that remove health and safety risks (such as pest removal), you must be in one of the following groups:
- An adult or youth discharged within the past year from mental health or substance use disorder Institution of Mental Disease.
- An adult or youth released within the past year from incarceration.
- Involved in the child welfare system at some point in your life.
- Within the next three (3) months or past nine (9) months, you are transitioning from Medicaid-only to dual coverage (receiving both Medicaid and Medicare).
- At risk of becoming houseless.
- A young adult, aged 19-26, with Special Healthcare Needs (eligible starting in 2025).
For all Housing services, you must also:
- Have a health condition that would be improved as a result of the service.
IMPORTANT: If you have been given a court date because you’re behind on rent, please contact our partner UCAN instead of submitting an HRSN Housing Request to UHA. UCAN will discuss options you may have to prevent eviction. Once your potential eviction has been resolved, you can submit an HRSN Housing Request to UHA for additional rent support.
UCAN Phone: 1-800-301-UCAN Desk Ext. 4522
Nutrition Education & Medically Tailored Meals available starting January 1st, 2025. Other Nutrition Supports coming later in 2025.
For Medically Tailored Meals and Nutrition Education services, you must be in one of the following groups:
- An adult or youth discharged within the past year from mental health or substance use disorder Institution of Mental Disease.
- An adult or youth released within the past year from incarceration.
- Involved in the child welfare system at some point in your life.
- Within the next three (3) months or past nine (9) months, you are transitioning from Medicaid-only to dual coverage (receiving both Medicaid and Medicare).
- At risk of becoming houseless.
- A young adult, aged 19-26, with Special Healthcare Needs.
You must also:
- Have a health condition that would be improved as a result of the service.
- Must be experiencing low food security (this will be assessed by UHA when you submit a request for HRSN Nutrition services).
- Be assessed by a Registered Dietician, or your Primary Care Provider, to develop a medically appropriate nutrition care plan before you can be approved (only applies to Medically Tailored Meals).
For Members
If you are an Umpqua Health Alliance (UHA) member, we can help you complete the eligibility screening process. The first step is to complete the appropriate HRSN Service Request Form. You can complete the form yourself, or you can work with your primary care provider, a community organization, or someone you trust to complete the form.
Once you’ve completed your form, return it to UHA via one of the following:
- Email:
- Fax: 541-677-5881
- Mail or in-person: 3031 NE Stephens Street, Roseburg, OR 97470
IMPORTANT: If you have been given a court date because you’re behind on rent, please contact our partner UCAN instead of submitting an HRSN Housing Request to UHA. UCAN will discuss options you may have to prevent eviction. Once your potential eviction has been resolved, you can submit an HRSN Housing Request to UHA for additional rent support.
UCAN Phone: 1-800-301-UCAN Desk Ext. 4522
Sharing Additional Information
As part of the screening process, you may need to provide more documents or information to help us decide if you qualify. For example, for members requesting rent and utility support, we will need to collect information about the income of every person over the age of 18 in your household.
Supplemental Forms for HRSN Requests
Once your HRSN Assistance Request Form is received by UHA, you will receive a decision from us within 14 days.
- If you qualify, we will refer you to the appropriate HRSN service provider to help you get what you need. It may take up to 30 days to receive services or equipment. You’ll receive these services at no cost, and you can opt out of receiving these services at any time.
- If you don’t qualify, we will send you a letter by mail. If you think we’ve made a mistake, you can ask for an appeal. You also may be eligible for these services through another program.
Device Delivery
If your HRSN services involve delivery of a device to your home (for example, an air conditioner, power supply unit, etc.):
- You will receive a call before the delivery to let you know when the equipment will be available.
- You will need to verify your address to receive the equipment.
- You can ask for help installing your device(s).
- You will receive a call to make sure you received your services or equipment, and that everything works properly.
- If you’re eligible for a climate device, use this document to show your landlord that you have legal rights to install portable cooling devices.
Get Help When Needed
- You can contact your UHA Care Coordinator to fix or replace your equipment, or to request more benefits.
- Your Care Coordinator will also check in with you every six (6) months to understand if your services are meeting your needs, or if you need other services.
If you have questions about the HRSN Benefit program that aren’t answered above, please contact us at
Helpful Links
HRSN Services Webpage
Learn more about how Oregon is expanding Medicaid to cover more people and benefits.
Ways to Update Your Contact Information
Learn how you can update your contact information so we can reach you with updates on your benefits.
Tenants Have the Right to Install Portable Cooling Devices
Eligible for a climate device? Use this document to show your landlord that you have legal rights to install portable cooling devices.
Umpqua Health Alliance (UHA) Appeals and Hearings
Learn more about the steps you need to take to request a hearing if you disagree with a decision about your benefits.
For Providers
Umpqua Health Alliance (UHA) is looking to contract with Community Benefit Organizations (CBOs) and providers to become HRSN Service Providers for climate, housing, and nutrition benefits.
Minimum Qualifications
To provide specific HRSN services, HRSN Service Providers must:
- For Climate, have the ability to appropriately deliver climate devices or, when applicable, install devices in Members’ homes in a reasonable timeframe.
- For Housing, have knowledge of principles, methods, and procedures of the services covered under the waiver, or comparable services meant to support individuals in obtaining and maintaining stable housing.
- For Nutrition, have knowledge of principles, methods and procedures of the services covered under the waiver, or comparable services meant to support an individual in meeting their nutritional needs. Additionally, comply with best practice guidelines, industry standards, and all laws governing food safety.
- For Outreach & Engagement, have knowledge of principles, methods, and procedures of these services or comparable services meant to outreach to and engage the populations covered under the waiver and connect them to benefits and services to meet their needs.
Additionally, all HRSN Service Providers must:
- Have the ability to participate in Closed Loop Referrals.
- Be accessible to Members, including having the operating hours and staff necessary to meet the Members’ needs.
- Demonstrate ability or experience to effectively serve at least one of OHA’s Priority Populations.
- Demonstrate provision of culturally and linguistically appropriate, responsive and trauma-informed services.
- Provide documentation that demonstrates a history of responsible financial administration.
For a full list of all HRSN Service Provider qualification requirements, contact our Provider Relations team at
Application, Certification & Onboarding
If your organization is interested in becoming an HRSN Service Provider for UHA, you can request an application form by emailing
After submitting your completed application:
- We will conduct a Certification process to ensure you meet all HRSN Service Provider qualifications. Note that if you are a nutrition education provider or a traditional health worker, you will also need to complete our Provider Credentialing process.
- If your application is approved, we will establish an HRSN Service Provider Agreement between UHA and your organization.
- Finally, our Provider Relations team will onboard your staff to begin providing HRSN Services to our members.
Provider Enrollment
You will also need to enroll in OHA’s MMIS Provider Portal as an HRSN Service Provider. Follow OHA’s MMIS Provider Portal Provider Enrollment Guide and apply online.
- For help, find information and forms on the Provider Enrollment webpage Provider Enrollment Team at 800-336-6016, option 6 to ask questions.
- If approved, OHA will send a “welcome” letter. The letter will list your provider ID. It also has links to helpful information.
- If the application is missing any information, OHA will contact you and tell you what is needed.
HRSN Service Providers must be able to participate in closed-loop referrals. “Closed Loop Referral” means the process of exchanging information between and among CCO, FFS Program, OHA, a Member, HRSN Service Providers, and other similar organizations, to make referrals and communicate about the status of referrals for a Member.
UHA supports multiple closed-loop referral pathways, including:
- Community Information Exchange (CIE) through the Unite Us Platform
- Email, fax & telephone
- You will submit an invoice to UHA within 120 calendar days of delivering services or equipment.
- You will receive payment within 30 days of submitting the invoice.
- If the invoice is returned, you can correct and resubmit within 120 days.
- Contact our claims team at or call UHA at 541-229-4842.
- You can view the HRSN Fee Schedules here.
In partnership with OHA, UHA has a new funding opportunity to support local organizations in building capacity to meet Health-Related Social Needs.
- If you need help, you can contact our team at or call at 541-229-4842, option 2 for provider support.
- Provider Trainings – As an Umpqua Health Provider, it is important to understand our policies and procedures.
- Oregon Health Authority Website
- HRSN Member Journey
- HRSN Provider Journey
- HRSN Provider Fact Sheet
- OHA HRSN Provider Trainings
All members have a right to know about Umpqua Health Alliance’s programs and services.
Members or potential members who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English are called Limited English Proficient or LEP. Anyone who is LEP may be entitled to language assistance for healthcare services/encounters or benefits.
We provide the following at no cost to you:
- Sign language interpreters
- Spoken language interpreters for other languages
- Written materials in other languages
- Braille
- Large print
- Audio
- Auxiliary Aids and other formats
If you need help or have questions, please call Customer Care at 541-229-4842, Toll-Free 866-672-1551, or TTY 711.
Todos los miembros tienen derecho a conocer los programas y servicios de Umpqua Health Alliance.
Los miembros o miembros potenciales que no hablan inglés como idioma principal y que tienen una capacidad limitada para leer, hablar, escribir o entender inglés se denominan dominio limitado del inglés o LEP. Cualquier persona que sea LEP puede tener derecho a asistencia lingüística para servicios de salud, encuentros o beneficios.
Proporcionamos lo siguiente sin costo alguno para usted:
- Intérpretes de lenguaje de signos
- Intérpretes de idiomas hablados para otros idiomas
- Materiales escritos en otros idiomas
- Braille
- Impresión grande
- Audio
- Ayudas auxiliares y otros formatos
Si necesita ayuda o tiene preguntas, llame al servicio de atención al cliente al 541-229-4842, al número gratuito 866-672-1551 o al TTY 711.